Summary of Donations to The Good Shepherd's House Orphanage, Tanzania

TANZANIA ORPHANAGE PROJECT 2022 FACTS: • 317 people have been impacted by the project through education, giving of food, school supplies, and clothes, while sharing the Gospel message with all involved people, even adults. • 230 people heard the Gospel because of this project through ongoing outreaches. • Apart from reaching and helping needy children, the project has been able to share the Gospel message with adults. As a result 79 people received Jesus as Lord and Saviour in 2022. • We praise God for the 18 people who recommitted their lives to Jesus.

Offline donations: £0.00
Notes to the above:

Offline donations include cash, cheques and any other donations paid directly to the fundraising organisation. This offline donation total is updated periodically by the Tribute Guardian in conjunction with the fundraising organisation.